Author - chabanenkopp


EGAP Challenge

Impact Hub Odessa invites you to a two-day EGAP Challenge: Creative weekend hackathon. During this creative and highly intense period you will be...


ZEO Student Camp 2016

Enrollment in ZEO Student Camp 2016 has already begun!
Within ZEO University education project the enrollment in ZEO Student Camp 2016 has been...


GDG DevFest Ukraine 2016

GDG DevFest Ukraine is the fifth biggest event dedicated to Google technologies in Ukraine that will be held  in Lviv on September 9-10. Last...


WordCamp Kyiv 2016

The first official WordCamp is due to take place in September 2016. There will be 2 active days of presentations aimed at bloggers, users...


Lean Poker Open Hackathon

Have you heard about Lean Poker? No? We are thrilled to bring Lean Poker Open Hackathon event to Kyiv! This event will take place on July 9th at 9:30...


3PM — mixer

As professionals we intend to drive improvement — but how committed are you to ensure essential changes that you and your organization can benefit...


Django Girls Kiev

Free programming workshop for women!
Build your first website at Django Girls 2016 in Kiev!
If you are a woman and want to learn how to make...


Kyiv Elixir meetup

Inspired by all the amazing communities in Kyiv, we’ve decided to try gathering Erlang/Elixir developers in Kyiv. On the first meeting, we’re...